Friday, February 22, 2013

Happy Birthday, Mr. Edward Gorey!

Every year when Edward Gorey’s birthday passes, I reflect on how badly I wish he was still around. How I wish I could save my pennies so he might create a piece of art for only me. How badly I wish I could hang out in his home town in hopes of a glimpse. How badly I’d wish for a kitten from one of his many cats. How I wish I could have been his friend.

I have never been the kind of person who dotes on others and collects autographs but his would be one I’d treasure.  Once, I watched one of his ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ pieces climb and climb out of my price range on eBay. How I wished I was very rich at that moment.

Edward Gorey’s works move me. They are full of despair which triggers so much emotion. When I look upon art, I want to feel something; I want to see a story. His works do this for me. There is a twist of Gothic flare mixed with everyday occurrences.  Some are a bit bizarre but aren't our lives all unusual at times. Don’t the unbelievable things happen? Sometimes we are smothered under rugs. Sometimes bears do eat us. Sometimes we find ourselves face to face with the bad guy, and sometimes that bad guy wins. Edward Gorey takes us to the edge and lets our minds play out the story.

Oh, the despair! Oh, the tragedy! I would have been a perfect character in one of his books. I sometimes wonder what tragic end he would have given me as child and I do hope it would have been disastrous. I think he would have liked doing that for his friend.    


  1. Aces! You need to go to Cape Cod one day to his home, which is a really nice museum.

    1. A sure adventure us three friends will make one day! When this happens, I'm taking buckets of money because there is no telling what will have to come home with me.

  2. Oh to pine away! I'm sure EG would have given you a really gorey childhood. Oh what he could have done with the Moberly house and even the farm. Let's you and I plan a visit to his home and take in a moment of his life. (Maybe yo could even get one of his cats). You are certainly a unique person and Edward would have loved being your friend.

    1. Oh, Mom, you always say the more perfect things! What a smile you have brought to my face. You and me at Mr. Gorey's house would be a moment I would treasure forever.Thanks for allowing me to be unique. Thanks for being a bit quirky yourself! :)

  3. You know I completely understand with my Poe obsission. How cool would it have been some beautiful, horrible end at the hands of our favorite writers? At least the creative maddness is around for us to enjoy and there are people like us to appreciate it. That would have been the best present for your Mr. Gorey. :)

    1. I love that creative madness and so glad it has always been around. It's not a new trend. Some are the real thing. There have always been those who think outside the box, and I'd like to think I'm part of that club:)

  4. One day, many years from now, I believe a young, beautiful girl will be commenting about the woes of her "Filetti-session" - she'll make comment about how much more complete her life would have been had she been able to meet with, chat with, and experience the Divine Mrs. F. She'll be one of thousands who remark about the wonders of Ms. Filetti's works, the way those works move her and the way she connects with them. I know this to be true...I hope you know it, too!

    1. You have truly touch my soul with your kind words, Terrie. What a dream come true if my works found their ways into discussions. What a dream come true if I touched but one soul. Thank you for believing in me and my stories. Thank you for helping me get a step closer to my dreams. Thank you for taking that chance on me. <3

  5. Oh, I didn't know you has such a love for him. It makes sense though, we who have a love for children's books and vintage things!! Yes, I love him too. Thanks for posting a photo of him. He looks wonderful in that fur coat!

    1. What a fun character! He had such a way of capturing things. Oh, to see the world as he did. I hope I have some of that oddness;)
