Friday, May 13, 2016

'The Cold Room' is now available in book form!!

My book, 'The Cold Room', is now available in physical form on Amazon! YAY!! We did a little alteration of the cover, giving credit to our very talented Bella who took the picture and included my maiden name which is HaĊĦek. My father's people came from the old country of Czechoslovakia and were gypsies, and for those who have read the book, you now understand who I might be :) For those who still might read it, you are in for a treat!  ;) Having my book made the old fashioned way makes me most happy because I'm an old soul and I love books - heck I hoard them. Even though I have a Kindle, I still buy real books and visit book stores and go hunting for that perfect bookmark. Truthfully, I hardly ever use my Kindle because I still love feeling the weight of a book in my hands, and smelling the pages. I love turning the paper as you finish a page & nothing is better than closing a good book after it's over and hugging it tight in your arms. So for you old souls out there, I hope you hold my book tight and I hope you read and reread it over and over and over.  And if you're ever in the area, I'll sign it for free if you wish. 
 Thanks so much for all the love and support I've already received! My heart is so full! Please buy, please read, please spread the word and please post reviews on Amazon & on Goodreads! Thank you soooo much! You guys are soooo awesome!